Our dental office located at Breakfast Point near Cabarita and Burwood, experience the best in high quality affordable dental treatments to restore function and beauty to your smile
At AMK Dental Clinic we are dedicated to your oral health, and supply a vast array of treatment options to cater to your oral concerns. That’s why we’re chose as the #1 dental practice in Breakfast Point.

Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry focuses on helping you achieve total function of your smile, and we are able to do this by ensuring the strength and integrity of your teeth and gums. By using treatments such as fillings, crowns and root canal therapy we can ensure the health of your smile.​
Cosmetic Dentistry
Are you looking to enhance the appearance of your smile? At AMK Dental we have a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments each designed to rejuvenate and beautify the look of your teeth for a smile you can be proud of.

Preventative Dentistry
Prevention is always better than a cure! Our preventative treatments and techniques allow our experienced team to discover any issues in their early stages before they become problematic.
Paediatric Dentistry
Your child’s teeth are imperative to their dental health and development. By maintaining their dental health we can track their dental development for swift diagnosis and treatment if necessary.
No matter the severity of your oral condition, we have an appropriate dental solution. Return full functionality, beauty and honesty to your smile and start laughing and smiling with confidence today.

Furthermore .......
Our treatments can cater to those who:
Want a general dental health check-up
Have missing teeth and want a high quality, long lasting dental solution
Have discoloured teeth and wish to brighten them
Have crooked teeth but wish to straighten them without orthodontic treatment
Wish to stop tooth aches and other dental symptoms